Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why do Parents Insist on Taking a Young Child Into a Movie Theatre?

I've never understood the logic of why parents bring a young child with them to a movie. For one, the kid's obviously too young to get any value out of the movie. For another, the parents are obviously too cheap to hire a babysitter. Third, and probably what's most annoying about the situation, is that those parents must be thinking that in some way, a movie theatre is a quiet place for their young child to be in. Makes sense, right? Doesn't everyone tell you to "Shhhh!" and be quiet during a movie?

Sure, and it may be quiet - at least for first few seconds. What do you get after that? How about a thundering, ground-rattling, high-definition surround sound system blaring every bang, crash, and explosion for the next two and a half-hours at a thousand decibles!

Get a brain, people! Do your kid and the rest of us a favor and leave your child at home or next time, we'll coconut your two heads together.

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